Wednesday, November 30, 2016

May the Peace be with you... Or What the Frick!

As Monty Python sings, you must "always look on the bright side of life"...  And I can't help but think, at least right now, screw you and your bright side...

Cause right now, I am having trouble seeing it.  I mean it's like where the hell is the bright side?  Is that it over there?  How about under the dining table?  Behind the couch?  Nope that's a dust bunny. O wait...  How about the same place I hid that $50 that now I need, but can't remember where I hid it?

When I sing "always look on the bright side of life," I get the meaning.  Find the humor in life, but even now, I just can't seem to find it.  And it is at that moment... and I mean a very long drawn out moment, that I realize that what I really need is peace.

As a water sign, Cancer to be exact, I feel deeply.  I emote and spew emotions like tasting raw squid or fish eyes. Or if you like a Danny Thomas spit take.  Because of this emotional turbulence which could suck a person in and chew them up and spit them out in a split second, I find myself easily hurt over incidents and issues that anyone else may just shrug off.

Some days being this emotional is great.  I cry a lot when I'm not only sad but happy.  I'm a gushing fountain whenever someone mentions that Legos are on sale somewhere.  I practically fall apart when Disney World sends me an email saying that they miss me and want me to come back and stay... and even worse off when I realize they only mean for a few days.  Why can't it be a longer time at the same price...  Maybe like six months.

Some days being emotional is awful.  I can't wrangle them in.  It cusses at me.  It hisses like a tire losing air.  I say things that I wish I could take back, but I still think trying to squeeze a size 10 into a size 4 is not a good look.  I cry over the fact there was no mail.  I lose it over spilled milk.  Literally.  I did it the other day and was sure that the world would end. And don't even get me going on the fact that Mrs. Brady...  No I can't say it...  It's too hurtful.

What I really need at this time, right here and now, is not only a little Christmas but also peace.  You know. Peace and quiet.  Peace of mind.  Give peace a chance. Peace of blueberry pie.  In other words, get lost in the my mind and think about my writing. Wander off to my memories New York City and marvel in its wonder. Take a ride on Peter Pan's Flight at the Magic Kingdom...  A ride I have ridden so many times and can visualize with no problems right down to the funny shades of psychedelic colors.

So, yes, I must "always look on the bright side of life," but I've also got to find that peace in the moment to survive the emotional storm.  It will calm, but I've got to ride the waves.

Just saying.

Thanks for reading...


A View of the Town: Episode 17 -- The Great Turkey Round-up of 1920

Welcome to  A View of the Town , the adventures of Dr. Willis Fletcher in the small coastal town of misty Cove along the coast Maine. Offeri...