Fan weaved his way through the back streets, away from the alley where he had been watching Jameson’s bookshop. He wasn’t sure what had happened inside, but seeing Bruno flying out of the window was enough to convince him to scram.
Now, he had another mission. He was to report to China Doll as soon as
possible. She had sent instructions on
where he could find her and when. This
time, he hoped to understand his mission for her, what his goal was. Their last
meeting in Beijing a few weeks earlier had not been very informative.
China Doll had checked into a local hotel where she
awaited him. Fan knocked on her door. A
moment later, she greeted him in a red silk dress and black shoes. Her hair was
done up in a taut bun that looked like a series of dark chocolate donuts
stacked on her head.
“And what have you learned?” She stood erect and stern, arms folded across
her chest.
“He is the one,” said Fan. “They are protecting him. He is heavily guarded.”
China rubbed her hands together. “Good. Very good to hear. Now I have to figure out how to persuade him.”
Fan stood firm.
“He will do it and, I might add, without force. You will simply have to ask. I am sure that Mrs. Steers would listen to
your request. Perhaps if you could tell
China spun around.
Her eyes fixed on him. “You may
be correct on that point. He is young
and perhaps easily influenced. I should
meet him. Dr. Herkeimer will not get in my way.
If the text of the incantation is there, then I want to be the only one
to have it. I will have to plan.”
“If you could tell me about the incantation…” Fan edged towards her. "If you would tell me more..."
“No, it is my secret,” she said, unmoved to offer more
information. “The incantation is just as
dangerous as the ones the Doctor can do.”
Fan didn’t push any further. “I would like to suggest you simply approach
the boy in a safe manner and ask him. Or
as I suggested, perhaps you might speak to Mrs. Steers. Or even Rufus Leightstone.”
China walked to the window. Outside the snow had begun to fall. “I will decide.”
“Is there anything else you would like me to do?”
Without turning around, China gave him his
instructions. “Yes, I want you to get
close to the Doctor. Do all you can to keep the books away from him. He is very
dangerous. His unsettled emotions are guiding him. He has yet to confront his
Fan nodded. ‘So
far I have accomplished all that you have asked. I will continue.”
"On the desk is your payment."
Picking the envelope up, Fan tucked it in his coat
pocket. Without saying anything further,
Fan left her.
China sat down at the desk, opened a small book, and
began to re-read the handwritten notes.
An unnamed knight or crusader believed the text to
have left Mesopotamia before the Crusades.
Legend speaks of a man carrying the scroll with the incantation to the East,
perhaps into Mongolia. The scroll was
translated into Chinese by a man whose name is unknown. Altai Mountains? The scroll is believed to be lost, perhaps
the Hebrides?
She sat back in the chair. “The incantation of all. More important than any others. How to ask?
How to get him to look for it… If he is the one.”
Closing her eyes, she meditated. The room was quiet. The built-in heating unit kicked on. Its fan hummed. China opened her eyes.
"I wonder."
Taking up her pen, she wrote a few more notes in her notebook.
To meet God you must go through Hell.
Outside, the snow fell heavier. China Doll packed her belongings and
oh no a whole new direction! I love this book!