My Mother received an invitation to someone's memorial. My Father is getting applications for credit cards. They both get advertisements on great sales on new vehicles. Debt collectors and mortgage companies are threatening to file a complaint against their credit scores.
My Mother died six years ago. My Father a year on April 15. Yet, they live on. In some company's database somewhere out there. A database that no one ever checks.
Between me and the lawyer, we've sent copies of death certificates and copies of legal forms, but still, you aren't really dead in the bytes of a database with your name in it.
So, what is this? Does no one ever clean these things up? Where do the returned letters go with "deceased" written on them? I can just image some room somewhere in these companies with dead letters. The returned mail of the deceased.
I'm not sure what's sadder -- the fact that someone died or the fact that someone never gets the chance to move on from their death because some well-organized database has got your address. I'm sad for the living and the burden that these faceless databases send out to the left behind. We're the ones that are trying to move on with our lives, to heal from the deaths of those who were dear to us.
I shouldn't take these mailings personally, but it wears on my mental health. I don't seem to get any relief from being reminded that my parents are dead.