Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Interview with Sam Henry

I recently sat down with 11-year-old Sam Henry to ask him about my book, "The Fingerprint of Jack."

CSM:   Sam, welcome to my blog.
SH:  Thanks, Mars, it's great to offer some insight into your book.  I do have to ask -- Will it ever be out there for people to read?
CSM:  Soon.  I promise. It's in the last edit.  My next step is to have it proofread by someone else for spelling, correct verb tenses, stuff like that.  After, that it's going out into the big world.
SH: Cool.
CSM:  Sam, tell us about your adventures.   You actually went back in time?
SH:   Yes, we did.  I mean Mrs. Steers and me.    At first, I totally thought she was nuts.  Totally insane.   But then she got serious.
CSM:   Really.   Mrs. Steers took you back in time.
SH: Yep.
CSM:  How was that first experience?   What was it like?
SH:   It's hard to explain.   At first, it's weird.   You're kind of like on a roller coaster, moving slow then fast then slow...  And you feel like you're flying...
CSM:  Interesting.   Had you felt like that before?
SH:  No.   I'm not sure what I could compare it to.  I was scary at first then awesome.
CSM:  That's sounds interesting.  So where did you go?
SH:  I chose London.  I had a school report to do about a topic in English history for school.  So, London in the 1880s was where we went.
CSM:   Did you see a lot of cool stuff?
SH:   I did.  I had no idea what life was really like back then. Part of it was gross.   There was horse manure everywhere and no one was really cleaning it up, especially where we were.
CSM:  Did you see any famous people?
SH:   Yes.  A couple, but I think I will let people find out when they read the book.
CSM:   So no secrets from you, eh?
SH:  Yeah.   No secrets from me.
CSM:   I agree.   I think we should leave a lot for the reader to discover.  So, with that...  This is C. S. Marshall wrapping up my interview with Sam Henry, the main character of "The Fingerprint of Jack."

1 comment:

  1. These interviews with your characters are a great idea C. I'm looking forward to reading the book.


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